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Programs geared to assist children from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. We provide annual subsidised camps for disadvantaged children, educational and recreational programs, as well as school holiday activities. 



Programs geared to educate, encourage, and empower young people to make sound and effective life choices. We provide counselling for parent and youth conflict resolution, as well as educational, recreational and social services.



These services are provided to help families become wholesome and functional units of society. Courses are run for those preparing to be married or remarried, in addition to counselling for those experiencing personal and familial difficulties. 



Programs are run to assist with the needs of aging. We offer services such as the recruitment and training of volunteers, visitation for the aged, isolated, and lonely. Monthly luncheons including recreational and cultural activities are offered, as well as home assistance support.



We offer programs and free activities for the community including breakfasts for school children, home care, food hampers for the needy, community barbeques, prison outreaches, cooking classes, and food runs for the less fortunate. 

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